Sheetrock Gets Delivered

Our contractor just e-mailed us a photo – the Sheetrock for our place was delivered this morning with a crane truck…

Sheetrock gets delivered to 5 story brownstone with crane truckThat’s a lot of Sheetrock!

You can also see that they’ve got windows in the front of the building – the window just below where the Sheetrock is going in is closed, and at the window below that you can see the plywood framing around the window. That means all the windows are in the back of the building as well since they did those first.

Now the contractor just has to focus on getting the last bits of the roof done and we’ll be all sealed up.

The other incredibly good news is that ConEd will put gas and electric into the building next Thursday/Friday (Oct 20-21) with a fallback date of the following Monday/Tuesday (Oct 25-26). So it “only” took them 7.5 months to get gas and electric into the building. That means we can have a working security system soon – which is really important as expensive finished materials are brought into the house.

One thought on “Sheetrock Gets Delivered

  1. Congratulations – seeing things taking shape is GREAT. And I am starting to believe in uncanny coincidences … sheetrock installation started this week in our Prague house (though there will be much less of it – only the ceilings and the top/attic floor, the rest is brick + stucco … and, of course, the house is much smaller), and the last bit of roof was done a week ago!

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