Rebuking The FUDamentalists

Fear Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) is a powerful weapon. It can be as subtle as “well, I don’t know…” at a business meeting to George W. Bush getting everyone riled up with “facts” about Iraq that just weren’t true. The same thing is happening with gay rights.

Here’s a video that refutes the major claims made by the religious right about gay marriage… The bottom line is that their claims are just fears – nothing more. The sky isn’t falling…

I’m sure eventually there will be some bad consequence of gay marriage to someone, somewhere. But there’s obviously many bad consequences now for millions of gay Americans. When the time comes and a heterosexual is harmed in some way, it can be remedied in the courts and, if necessary, the legislature just as we’re trying to remedy our problems now.

More Gay-Friendly “Activist” Courts…

The religious right often complains about “activist” judges/courts pushing the “radical gay agenda”. Here’s one more example…

Senegal’s court of appeal has overturned the jail sentences of nine homosexuals arrested in December, according to a statement released by UNAIDS on Monday.The nine men had been sentenced to eight-year prison terms in January for “acts against nature and the creation of an association of criminals”

The decision was taken on Monday but it was not clear when the men would be freed. Senegal’s ministry of justice was not immediately available for comment about the case.

Homosexuality is illegal and taboo in the former French colony, where 94 percent of the population is Muslim.

(Source: Reuters)

That’s probably not exactly what you were expecting, but honestly what’s the difference between that court decision and one here in the US about adoption or marriage or workplace discrimination?

The religous right often says progressive liberals are the ones redefining what’s “traditional”, but in truth their the ones redefining a number of things…

  • In their world “equal protection” is an oxymoron – it’s not really equal at all and it only protects the people they want it to protect.
  • In their world marriage is a religious sacrament but they ignore all the thousands of marriages between athiests that don’t seem to bother them at all.
  • They now say that the only point of marriage is procreation, yet they’re fine with post-menopausal women getting married (to men).
  • They often say they’re “strict constructionists” but one of the guiding concepts in the US Constitution is that a contract that’s valid in one state is valid in all states and will be recognized by the federal government. But now they’ve redefined things so marriage contracts that are valid in some states aren’t valid in many other states and aren’t recognized by the federal government.

The social conservatives often forget that the role of the courts is to interpret the law. They like to brand judges who are just doing their job as “activists”. That’s hardly the case and part of what’s great about our system is that it affords a healthy debate and a balance of power.

Thankfully, things are slowly starting to shift towards equality for all people and the religious right is starting to lose…

How To Pick A Real Estate Agent In A Down Market

With our apartment now on the market we’ve been thinking a lot about real estate lately – both selling and buying. Back when it was a seller’s market it wasn’t that hard to sell your place for a decent amount. But now things are different and the broker you choose can make an enormous difference.

Case and point someone in our neighborhood listed their place with a downtown broker for $799K last July. It’s 1.5 bathrooms and two small bedrooms. Simply put that apartment was never worth that, but the downtown broker didn’t have the experience in our neighborhood to know that. As a result the apartment didn’t sell. Had it been priced right and sold quickly it could have been in contract before the financial disaster on Wall St, but that huge opportunity was lost. The owner (and agent) now appear desperate to sell and it’s priced at $399K – half the price of the original listing price! The problem is the property became stale because it was on the market too long at the wrong price. To me the whole thing shows gross incompetence on the part of the agent. Unfortunately, in this market, if you don’t pick the right agent a similar situation can happen to you and it can be a very expensive mistake.

To avoid financial disaster selling your apartment I’d recommend using the following criteria to pick your real estate agent:

  • Pick a agent that lives or works very close to your property. You want to make sure showing your place it’s difficult. If it is, they may not show it as often. I was on the subway the other day and a real estate agent was telling friends how he just came from showing an apartment and the buyer’s probably won’t buy, but it took 2 hours out of his day to show with all the travel time.
  • Pick the agent that’s going to work the hardest. Some agents are just “hungrier” for listings than others. Give all the agents a list of things you want to hear in their proposals and see how hard each one works to answer those questions. If they can’t work to get your listing, they’re not going to work hard once they have it.
  • Pick the one with the best marketing plan – both comprehensive and targeted marketing. These days it’s all about getting your property exposure and having it stand out. But it’s also about getting the right people to see it, so look for a marketing plan that’s specifically targeted to the features of your property.
  • Don’t give any weight to “personality” brokers that are marketing themselves, not your property. We had some agents who talked about how much they were in the press, but it was unclear whether that meant any real exposure for our apartment.
  • Pick the agent that understands your neighborhood the best. There’s nothing quite like local knowledge. Don’t pick someone who isn’t intimately familiar with the neighborhood.
  • Pick the agent that understands your property the best. If your property is pretty average this isn’t such a big deal. But if you have unique renovations make sure the agent inherently understands them and knows how to talk about them to buyers.
  • Pick an agent who’s a home owner. Definitely give credit to whether the person owns their home or not. If they own a home in your neighborhood or building that’s a big plus.
  • Don’t give extra weight to friends and family. While you may want to give the listing to a friend or family member it’s often not the right choice. If they are the best agent they’ll stand out in all the points above. At most a friend or family member should just win a tie if there are two best agents and you can’t figure out which to go with.

Even with a great broker it’s not always easy to sell in this market. Be careful with your choice!

People In Glass Houses

Given how much grief the religious right likes to give gay folk (and others) about being “ungodly”, I’d humbly like to suggest they clean up their own business before throwing stones at others…

Over the last seven days…..

Pastor Robert M. Black busted in internet underage sex sting.
California: Sunday school teacher Melissa Huckaby arrested for murdering 8 year-old girl.
Texas: Pastor Robert Baker charged with murdering wife.
Virginia: Pastor Ana Paula Almeida charged with rape of 14 year-old.
Tennessee: Church youth volunteer Matthew Jernigan charged with two counts of child rape.
Georgia: Pastor Otis Ray Hope charged in $1.75M bank fraud.
California: Pastor John Bonine pleads guilty 16 counts of child molestation. He was charged with 107 counts.
New York: Pastor Merton Parks charged with possessing child pornography.
North Carolina: Pastor Richard Dent confesses to swindling elderly sisters of $60,000.
Texas: Father Thomas Teczar convicted of molesting 11 year-old boy.
New York: Staten Island Episcopal Rev.
William Blasingame charged with embezzling $85,000 from his parish. He used the money for Botox injections, plastic surgery, prescription drugs, and designer clothes.

…And they say we’re the problem. Ironic.

[Source: Joe.My.God.]

Our Current Real Estate Strategy: Beating Upwind

There’s a reason why I named this blog “beating upwind” – it’s because beating upwind is the hard and somewhat dangerous sailing practice of trying to sail into the wind. If you have a good boat you can do it. If you have a crappy boat you might as well anchor and wait for things to change or pull down your sails and motor. To say the least real estate is dicey right now, but we’ve decided we want to take the opportunity and upgrade to something significantly bigger which feels like sailing into the prevailing real estate winds.

We’re lucky to have bought into a building that’s now considered “stable”. The prime apartments in our building (of which ours is one) have gone down about 10% from the peak, which is pretty good considering the market. Meanwhile what we want to move up to – a townhouse in Harlem – has done done about 50%. So if we’re ever going to do it, now is the time to get off the crest of our wave onto the trough of the bigger townhouse wave.

Harlem townhouses have been particularly hard hit in the downturn because they were always rather speculative. I remember years ago looking at them and realizing that it was the same price for a run down, but habitable townhouse as it was for a façade where everything had falled down inside. They peaked about 2 years ago and have gone down about 50% since then -at least at the lower end, which is where we’d be looking.

On top of that nothing is selling. We haven’t confirmed it, but one broker told us only 2 Harlem townhouses have closed since the stock market went down in late September. People who need to sell are getting desperate and there’s one townhouse that sold for $1.5M in July of 2007 that’s now asking $350K in a short sale. That’s 75% off, and the purchase price will probably be even lower. [That property does have “issues” in that it’s a fully occupied SRO with a stop work order issued against it, just to name a couple of its problems.]

The problem is everything in our price range needs $500K in renovation. Nearly all the townhouses in Harlem were built around the turn of the century. Electricity was a new thing back then, so they’ve got crappy 100+ year old plumbing and electrical all of which needs to be replaced. Completely replacing all the plumbing and electrical means ripping out a lot of walls, ceilings and possibly floors. On top of that many of the ones in our price range became SRO’s (rooming houses) which mean heavy use. It’s actually amazing how many of the details survived, but to bring things up to “upper middle class” standards requires pretty much a full gut renovation, which is why everything needs $500K in renovation.

While everything needs a $500K renovation you pretty much can’t get a construction loan to do the renovations given the crisis in the banking industry. But we still have a few options…

465 West 147st Street, Sugar Hill, New York, NYBuy something all cash

A while back I didn’t think buying something all cash was even an option, but recently the townhouse you see to the right went on the market asking $350K in a short sale. We’d actually be able to buy that all cash and have enough left over to do basic fix ups, though not a proper renovation.

The thing is, properties like that come with a lot of strings. This is the one I was referring to earlier that is a fully occupied SRO (4 SRO units, 2 regular apartments), and has a stop work order on the building, and a ton of building code violations. Given the number of building code violations it would seem the tenants are mad and making life miserable for the owner by calling the City and reporting problems with the building. That’s not a great situation to get ourselves into.

It also comes with a pile of legal issues since we can’t just cancel people’s leases. SRO tenants are pretty well protected in New York since they tend to be the poorest of the poor. So we’d have to work with a lawyer and pay people to leave the building. But at $300K it may be worth the trouble.

If we bought something all cash it means we’d have to fix it up over time. That’s easier said than done since we go back to the fact that they all seem to need new electrical and plumbing and that rips the building apart when it’s done.

Have the current owner hold a mortgage

400 West 145st Street, Sugar Hill / Hamilton Height, New York, NY

To get a mortgage on a building it has to be “mortgageable” which means no building code violations, working kitchen(s), working bathroom(s), etc. Quite a few of the place we see listed have been partly demo’d and then the owners ran out of funds and didn’t complete the renovations. We can’t touch buildings like that because there’s no way to finance them.

Since we’ll need a construction loan for many of these places, but can’t get one, one option is to go with a place where the current owner will hold the mortgage. This option is sorta win-win for us and the seller since it gets the seller out of a money losing proposition, they sell at a price that’s not the bottom of the market, and they get regular income. The townhouse to the right is one of the townhouses where this is an option, though it’s probably just out of our price range at the moment.

The way it would work is we’d put down 20% ($150K+) and then we’d have enough cash left over for a very minimal renovation. Some things just wouldn’t get finished. We might rough in bathrooms and then leave them essentially as closets until we have the money to finish them since we won’t have a full $500K left over once we’ve done a down payment.

If I had to guess I’d guess this is the route we’ll take. But for a lot of townhouses it’s not an option since the current owner often has a rather substantial mortgage on the building.

Buy one that doesn’t need immediate renovation

48 Hamilton Terrace, Hamilton Heights, New York, NYThe problem with buying one that doesn’t need renovation is that they’re currently a bit above our price range. We can go up a little over $1M, maybe $1.1M. The one to the right is a good example – it needs some work, but much of it can be deferred and it’s going for $1.25M. I think it’s safe to assume prices will go down this fall, so this is still an option for us since we don’t want to buy until fall or winter…

Still, the one to the right is a good example of how everything really needs a $500K renovation. That one has had some of the plumbing issues resolved and the electrical was “upgraded” by running conduits on the outside of the walls, which is hardly aesthetically pleasing. The owner put in new windows, but they’re cheap pine windows that won’t last all that long. The rear exterior of the building looks like a mess and probably needs a lot of work. The floors have a thin parquet veneer on them that will be destroyed the next time they’re sanded which means it needs new floors in many places as well. And the renovations that have been done were done cheaply – and that’s just what I can see with a naked eye.

The bottom line is that if we can get one like that one it still needs a big renovation. Sure it’s mortgageable, but the long-term cost of the place is really high.

Wrap Up

There’s a lot more I could say about all this, but I’ll leave it for another post… By putting our place on the market we’re sorta taking a leap of faith and hoping that there will be something we like that we can afford when it comes time to buy. Our back up plan is to look at other parts of Harlem (we’re only looking in Hamilton Heights and Sugar Hill right now since we want to be near the 145th Street stop on the ABCD trains), and then there’s always Brooklyn. A couple months ago we went and saw open houses in Brooklyn and saw enough to know we can always find something there that will suit our needs and be in our price range. But we’d really prefer to be in Manhattan…