Bulkhead Taking Shape, Plumbing Progress

It’s been a little while since I wrote up a status report on the house. Things are coming along, but the change is less dramatic and more incremental.

The Bulkhead

The one thing that’s a bit dramatic is the bulkhead on the roof (or “the penthouse” if you want to take a legalistic definition of it as the DOB does).

Progress on townhouse bulkhead

Our roof deck looks a bit small in that picture – the three of us sorta fill up the space,  but that’s partially a depth perception thing with the photo. But then again, our place is only 15 feet wide.

The two big openings will be pretty much all glass. The one on the right will have a glass door and a window. The one on the left will have two windows. Each window/door will be 3′ x 7′ – so nice and big with lots of glass to get light into the building.

We’ve opted for a bulkhead in lieu of a skylight because it should get a better quality of light into the house. Skylights, being flat on the roof, get the most light/heat in the summer and less light/heat in the winter. That’s the opposite of what you actually want. We wanted a big scoop to catch light/heat in the winter when the sun is low on the horizon and give us less light/heat in the summer when the sun is high in the sky – a bulkhead achieves that goal. Initially we weren’t going to make it go all the way across the building, but were forced to by zoning rules regarding “side yards”.

At some point we’ll also put a retractable awning above the door/windows so we can have shade in the summer when we’re sitting up on the roof deck or if too much light is getting into the building. Dan’s “clean studio” in the front of the building will have large clerestory windows directly opposite the bulkhead windows. That room in particular may be too bright at times.

Since Manhattan points NNE, the bulkhead windows will face SSW. The photo above was taken about 10am and the sun hadn’t hit the windows yet (morning light in Manhattan, north of the Village, hits the “North” side of buildings). So the bulkhead will mostly get light in the afternoon and early evening. though there will be a fair amount of reflected light coming in the morning.

Just behind the bulkhead steel beams have gone in which will hold the condensor units for the mini-split A/C system. Originally our architect was planning on mounting them on pads on the roof, but everyone told us that would be a bad idea since we’d feel the vibration and hear the noise. Steel beams are the best way to go.

Steel beam supports for A/C condensors

Cellar Windows

Enlarged cellarwindowsStaying on the window theme… The openings for the windows in the cellar have been made larger. Since Manhattan real estate is all about maximizing every square foot, we decided early on that we wanted to have part of the cellar dedicated to the tenant. It should make the apartment more attractive and make it almost as good as a 2 bedroom.

We went into a lot of townhouse cellars during our search and didn’t like any of them. So, to make it feel less like a cellar and actually a place someone would want to spend time, we did two things – we lowered the floor in the cellar a few inches and raised the floor on the ground level to give both levels a full 8 feet of height.

But the size of the windows was also really important. We wanted as much natural light to get into the cellar as possible. The window face South, so it should be possible to get a lot of light in there. We figured we’d lower the bottom of the windows slightly and since one of the windows went up pretty high we thought we’d have a bench by the window on the ground floor to give clearance for a bigger window below. But Dan never did like the bench idea. He always wanted smaller windows and a flat floor in the rental bedroom.

Well, it looks like Dan is getting his way 🙂  The contractor had to replace the lintel between the windows (it was cracked), and when he put in the new one he lowered it so it’s now even with the other, smaller, window (which looks “right”). The bigger cellar windows are a pretty nice size even with the top being lower on the one window. And the flat floor in the bedroom is definitely nice. So that’s a deviation from the plans we all seem to like.

That means the window in the rental bedroom (ground floor) is now the same size as the door. We’ll have the contractor put brick in the bottom of the opening to avoid the need for tempered glass in the bottom pane and make that window more like the rest of the windows in the house which have their sills at about 18 to 20 inches off the floor.

Cellar windows from inside

From inside the cellar the windows seem pretty big. They will start above the ceiling – immediately under the floor above.That said the framing of the windows (3 1/2″ all around) will make the actual glass area considerably smaller, but they should still be decent sized windows that let in lots of light.

What’s really great is that the back yard is almost 3 feet lower than the sidewalk out front. So, while the ground floor is about a foot below the sidewalk, it’s 18″ to 2′ above the back yard. That means the cellar space is not completely below ground in the back. That makes a huge difference and when the tenants look out the cellar windows they won’t just be looking at the concrete wall of the light well.

Cellar Window View


Plumbing and framingPlumbing is progressing pretty well. It’s actually pretty amazing when you think about what our place looked like two and a half months ago. Looking up in the building it feels completely different – you see the guts of a real, modern home…

They’re concentrating their plumbing efforts on our unit initially, since the rental unit isn’t all that secure yet. As you can see in the picture to the right drain vent and supply lines are largely in. There are 4 copper lines running up the building. One is just for the flushometer toilets (so there are no pressure drops when we flush a toilet). Then one for hot water, one for cold water and there’s a little one that’s a return for the hot water so it can circulate and we’ll get hot water as soon as we turn on the tap. Without that it would take forever to get hot water from the cellar to the top floor.

Bathroom plumbingOne change we made to the plans was wall mounted toilets in our unit. We had originally wanted wall mounted toilets but thought they were too expensive. But after thinking about it, it’s just so much easier to clean around them, so we told our contractor we were OK with the extra cost ($500/ea) for the wall mounting apparatus.

The tub has also arrived (see picture below) and presumably will be put in place soon. We got the same one Julia Angwin had wanted – a 5.5 foot Kohler “Tea For Two” – a nice, deep soaking tub. Luckily it’s getting put in place while the framing is still flexible. In her case they realized too late that they framed incorrectly so they only had room for the 5 foot version which is completely different – it’s much shallower and was very disappointing for them since it’s not a soaking tub at all. Actually each of the three sizes of Kohler’s Tea For Two is completely different from the other sizes. The 6 footer has armrests built into the sides of the tub (yuck!)

Kohler Tea For Two soaking tub on shipping palette

The tub is made out of cast iron and weighs a ton (not really, but it almost feels like it). Metal tubs was another thing Dan wanted, and I’m glad he insisted. We put a fiberglass tub in our last apartment and it’s just not the same… It scratches and feels completely different (doesn’t hold heat, etc.)

The other plumbing thing going on right now is the paperwork to get a new connection to the water main (ours isn’t working). That was submitted this past Tuesday. Apparently it takes a really long time to get a new water main connection – everyone is saying two months. Unfortunately the new water main connection has to be done before the plumbing can be inspected and the walls closed up. And ConEd won’t put in gas and electric until the new water main connection is done. Which is a bit of a problem since it means our contractor has to continue to use generators.

That means early August things will start getting very busy. The windows will be arriving from Austria. The water, electricity and gas will be connected, then a few weeks later insulation will go in and by September hopefully they’ll be putting up sheetrock.

Signs of Life

Tree growing in brickI’ll leave you with a cute picture… Today we saw a tree that’s trying to grow in the brickwork in our parlor window. How it managed to get situated there and grow even that big is beyond me. But it’s sorta cool…

Hopefully this week the electrician will be in and the roofing guy will get a proper roof on the building so we can stop worrying so much about water pouring in the building when it rains.

Our New Bathroom Window (Openings)

One thing we like about our place is that it’s an end unit. That means we can put windows in the sidewall to get air and light into the bathrooms. They’re not “legal” windows in that they can’t count towards air and light calculations nor can the be the required window for a bedroom since they’re on a lot line. But they’re legal in the sense that they’re allowed – though they either have to have wire glass in them or there has to be a sprinkler head in front of the window (we’re opting for wire glass).

We’re putting a small window in each of the bathrooms – so 4 windows total. Two are in, and one is in progress. Here’s what the opening looks like – almost looks original…

New Bathroom Window

You’ll notice that at the top there’s steel. The steel is two rather large angle irons – it’s not a flat piece of steel. The angle gives it strength, but you sorta have to deconstruct the wall to get the angle iron in place. Here’s what it looks like as they deconstruct the wall to get the angle iron in place…

New window opening under construction

The window that we put in there will be double glazed. The outer pane will be wire glass (required by fire code). The inner pane will be “frosted” – the question has been what type of frosting we should use. The window manufacturer has 32 different choices(!) The leading candidate at this point is this one…

Lightly frosted glass

We weren’t considering that glass ’cause we thought it showed too much (the window will be in the shower area). However, what we realized today is that it’s almost impossible for the people across the alleyway to see much of anything so we can go for a glass that’s a little closer to clear. We’d rather have a window that shows something outside (even if it’s a brick wall) than to have something that’s so opaque that it’s just a boring white panel.

As you can see from the first two pictures, a fair amount of light will come into the windows – more than you might think on a narrow 4-5 foot alleyway. Should make the bathrooms noticeably better…

Reno Tip: Your Water Connection Should Be Job #1

Well, I think we’re up against our first delay. Our contractor contacted ConEd first thing in the project because he needed electricity for his tools, but he waited a little to figure out the water situation. Turns out that was a mistake.

ConEd won’t put in gas and electric until water has been resolved because too many times the guys doing the water mess up the ConEd connections. We were hoping our existing water connection would be good, but it’s not – we need a new connection. On top of that the mechanical engineer certifying the sprinkler system wants more heads and now we’re over 30 sprinkler heads – so we need a larger than normal connection to the water main (3″ instead of 2″).

Thanks to our highly efficient city government it’s going to be a 2 month wait to get approval for the new water connection. Then probably a week or two to actually get the work done. Then probably another couple weeks for ConEd. Only after the water connection is made can the plumbing be inspected. Insulation can’t be put in until the plumbing is inspected. Sheetrock can’t be put up until the insulation is done. And generally things just go more slowly when the guys are working on a generator instead of a real electrical connection. There’s still work that can be done while we’re waiting on the water and on ConEd, but it’s going to delay things.

So word to the wise renovator is to deal with your water (and sewer) connections first – you’ll save time down the road…

The Mess In Our Back Yard

We knew our back yard was a bit of a mess. It was clear that when they were renovating the building adjacent to ours that they had just dumped a bunch of garbage in our back yard. We figured there was about a foot of garbage back there…

Messy townhouse garden with construction debris

On top of that when a friend of ours (who does gardening for a living) saw the garden he said the plants that were going in it were rather insidious – that we should kill them with RoundUp and then put black plastic over the entire garden for a summer to try to kill them.

There’s so little in our place there aren’t many surprises, but it seems like every time there could be a surprise we’ve got one. The back yard isn’t going the way we thought it would… They’ve started removing the garbage – and surprise! There’s concrete under everything…

Taking debris out of townhouse garden

You can’t quite tell, but the retaining wall on the side has about 2 1/2 cinder blocks in it – so it’s about 20″ high (plus the cap stone). And most of the “debris” is actually mostly dirt and rocks. I still don’t know how we have so many river rocks in the middle of Harlem, but there they are.

Our plans just call for removing the debris. It doesn’t mention anything about removing concrete – so we’ll have to work that out with the contractor since we don’t want a concrete back yard! That said, we don’t have to worry about insidious plants growing in a concrete back yard…

The other question is how do we integrate those huge rocks into our landscape design? I was really thinking of going a different direction… But we’ll figure something out. Dan says we should look at Japanese garden designs.

A Frustating Day @ The Dept. Of Buildings

The Post Approval Amendment Meeting

Yesterday we went to the Department of Buildings for a Post Approval Amendment (PAA) meeting. PAAs are how you get changes approved after you have approved plans. Long story short – we were denied because a measurement was missing…

We had a few minor items, but the two big things were 1) changing the shape of the bulkhead and 2) taking exhaust pipes up and through the roof rather than exhausting them through the sidewall.

First a thanks to architect Peter Holtzman for warning us that, even though the plan examiner had stamped plans that included exhausts through the sidewall, they were a potential source of (expensive) problems when it came to C of O inspection. You can intake air across a property line, but you can’t exhaust air over a property line. Good catch – everyone (including the plan examiner) had missed that.

The other major change was to change the shape of the bulkhead. We started out with a smaller bulkhead that looked like this…

Elevation of small bulkhead

So one glass door and two windows with a 3′ walkway to the side for easy access to the front part of the roof. In plan view that looked like this…

Plan view of small bulkhead

As the plan examiner was stamping the plans he saw a problem and told us he’d continue stamping but we needed to come back to get it fixed. Even though 3 feet is sufficient inside a building for a hallway, according to zoning regulations that’s a “side yard” and side yards have to be a minimum of 8 feet wide. He said our two options were to reduce the size of the bulkhead and get 8 feet of “side yard” or extend it all the way across the building and have a ladder up and over the bulkhead for firemen.

So the next rendition looked like this…

Elevation showing bulkhead all the way across a townhouse

So we just put in an extra window. In plan it looked like this…

Plan view of wide bulkhead on townhouse

Then one day I was sitting there and realized the ceiling on the top floor was so tall we might not have enough steps between the top floor and the roof deck. (Turns out we were 5 steps short!) So now the plan looks like this…

That means the door has been switched to the other side and there’s an extra run of stairs.

[If you’re really detail oriented you’ll wonder how we’re draining the front roof. There will be a pipe running through the bulkhead wall from the front roof to the back roof. The one error in the plan above is that the cricket needs to change and the pipe location switched to the other wall.]

Getting back to the plan examination.. The examiner said that now that it was going all the way across the building it was no longer a bulkhead – it was “something else” – though he didn’t say what. I suppose it’s now a cathedral ceiling. I believe bulkheads are exempt from building height restrictions but “something else” isn’t. Our architect had dimensioned the height of each floor and the roof but hadn’t dimensioned the height at the top of the bulkhead. The plan examiner said were were limited to 60 feet (off the sidewalk) and so he refused to stamp the plans because the height of the bulkhead off the street wasn’t specified.

The height of 60 feet comes from the fact that buildings in residential areas that are less than 45 feet in width are limited 100 feet or the width of the street, whichever is less. (Buildings taller than that are considered “sliver buildings”). Our street is 60 feet wide, so we’re limited to 60 feet in height.

I did the calculations when I got home and we’re at 60′ 4 1/2″. The plan examiner said he didn’t mind if we went 6″ over, but just to be safe I think we should modify a couple things to get closer to 60 feet.

Trying To Clear Violations

When the PAA meeting was over we decided we’d try to clear some violations. We had gotten two complaints, two violations, and a stop work order back in January. At the time, after a lot of investigation, an expediter had told us we got the violations because we had two Alt-1s open at the same time.

We hunted around to figure out where to ask a question. Then we waited on line for 20 minutes. And we showed our paperwork to the clerk in the construction division who took it and said it would need to be reviewed by the chief and that we should wait. Well, we waited and were then told that the letter only applied to one of the two violations. A day later that violation still hasn’t been cleared… Hopefully it will get cleared.

After some confused and frustrated questions we went down to the deputy boro commissioner’s office to ask questions since it was his letter that we thought was supposed to clear things up. More questions, more confusion and then someone finally explained what was really happening. Our stop work order wasn’t because we had two Alt-1s open at the same time – it was because the engineer who was on the old plans from the previous owner had filed paperwork to get his name off the jobs. Since the jobs were active, that resulted in a stop work order.

All the information was on the paperwork, but you had to know the lingo to understand it. I know I didn’t understand it when I saw it the first 10(+) times I looked at it. And the expediter apparently didn’t understand the lingo either.

We have another PAA appointment on Monday. Hopefully we can clear up everything at that point.