Deciding On A Kitchen Design

We’ve been going around and around trying to figure out the best design for the kitchens…

Our Kitchen

Initially we wanted an Eggersmann kitchen for ourselves and Eggersmann came up with an initial design for us…

Initial Eggersmann design

The black cabinets would have been made out of this wonderful laminate that had this cool texture and a hint of brown in the black – it would have been very sexy…

When that was too expensive they proposed a less expensive compromise design with mostly white laminate (which sounds boring, but is beautiful when they do it…)

Less expensive Eggersmann kitchenThen came the budget cuts to get everything in on budget. We put our discretionary money towards things that are hard to redo later – stairs, windows, etc. The kitchen (we still want) got cut and so now we’re getting an Ikea kitchen.

Ikea kitchens can be fine – in fact they can be beautiful. Ontario designer Carol Reed does some great stuff with Ikea cabinets – and she even references Margot Austin’s country house kitchen – a good friend of Dan’s from university days. Thing is, it’s hard to get the look we want – you sorta have to start with what you can do with Ikea and find a look that’s you’re OK with – they just aren’t as flexible or have as many options as a European modular kitchen like Eggersmann – at least not in the US (Ikea’s offerings in Europe are apparently much better). We don’t want someone to walk in and think “Ikea kitchen”.

At first we thought we would get Ikea’s Nexus birch cabinets and dress them up with a stainless counter. In theory that should look great, but when we see the birch cabinets in person we keep not liking them… Then I thought maybe we’d do white laminate or lacquer cabinets – Ikea has three levels of finish. The “best” one (Abstrakt) looks cool, but it’s a bit too glossy and cold for my taste, the chepest (Härlig) is well, cheap. And we’re not too fond of the middle one either (Appläd) – it just doesn’t look like a quality cabinet – it looks inexpensive which is not the first thing we want people to think when they walk in our house.

There are a few remaining contenders. One is Ikea’s Abstrakt glossy dark gray lacquer with black counter tops – like this display kitchen…

Glossy gray Ikea kitchenThe more I look at that kitchen, the more I like it. Basically we’d be going pretty dark with the kitchen as a whole. The floors will be a fairly light colored white oak – basically they’ll have the color of unfinished wood – maybe slightly whiter. The darkness should work with the dark color of the window and french entry doors.

Our other top contender is Ikea’s Ramsjö “black brown” cabinets – in which case we’ll really embrace darkness. We don’t like the black-brown in the contemporary flat panels (Nexus), but with a traditional framed doors it looks pretty good… Here’s a bit of an over-the-top kitchen Ikea mocked up with the Ramsjö black-brown cabinets…

Ikea black-brown kitchenThe traditional paneled doors would give a more traditional/transitional feel to the space which would be in contrast to the rather modern aesthetic we’re going for generally – but it could work – after all we have dark colored paneled french entry doors in the kitchen.

Dan’s current thinking is to get very shiny nearly-black tile that will reflect a lot of light – sort of like the tile in the picture only darker. His inspiration is the shiny black tile corridors in the Ministry of Magic in Harry Potter…

Ministry of Magic black tile hallwayThe general issue with going dark is that the kitchen is right next to the staircase which is a major white element. The stairs will have white steel and white Plexi sides. The only color is the stair treads which will be the same light colored white oak we have on all the floors. Having something so dark next to something so white may be a problem. Perhaps we can bring in white by doing counters that look like marble (actual marble would be impossible to maintain).

Or we could go with a white kitchen (wood, not laminate/lacquer). The black-brown Ramsjö cabinets in the picture above also come in a white, but the white is slightly pink since it’s a white glaze over birch. We’re not sure we like the pinky nature of the color. They have other white cabinets (Ädel) that are a truer white, but they don’t use solid wood for the cabinet frames. Plus, with white we worry we’ll have too much white everywhere given how white the staircase will be…

One thing we have settled on is the layout of the kitchen. We went through a number of iterations, but we’re settling on this layout…

Layout of our kitchenThat will be an island with a sink, and the appliances will be stainless. While we’d love Sub Zero/Wolf like we had last time, we’ll be getting Electrolux fridge/range to help with the budget. If we go with the glossy gray cabinets, the wall-hung cabinets will be double decked horizontal cabinets – sorta like in the gray demo kitchen picture.

Two weeks ago we went to Ikea in Elizabeth. Last week we went to Ikea in Paramus, and tomorrow we’ll go to Ikea in Brooklyn. Hopefully we’ll see something that will help us make up our minds.

The Rental Kitchen

In addition to the Eggersmann kitchen for us, we initially wanted this honey brown (Nexus?) kitchen we saw at Ikea for the rental. It looked great and we thought tenants would like it…

Initial rental kitchen designIn terms of layout we are still going to do something very close to that… The location of the fridge and oven will be swapped and the space between them will be much smaller than in the demo kitchen, but otherwise the layout is almost identical – it’s just their island will be a peninsula in our rental kitchen. Here’s our current/final design – I think you can see how similar it is to the demo kitchen…

rental kitchen design

The renter will be able to sit a couple people at the peninsula which could substitute for a dining room table if they want to dedicate more space to the living room.

Problem is, Ikea discontinued the honey brown finish we wanted. While we had the layout set, we had to pick another cabinet finish. The rental kitchen/dining/living room is the darkest room in our house. One of the front “windows” (actually doors) brings in almost no light since it’s under the stoop, and the other is shaded from the morning light by the stoop – and the room is rather deep so not much natural light gets back to the kitchen. I thought maybe we should embrace the darkness and go with the Ramsjö black-brown, but Dan nixed that idea.

Instead we’re going to offset the darkness by going bright white… We’ll be doing the Ädel kitchen in the rental – a bit like this, but with different uppers…

Ikea's Ädel in the rental kitchenIt’s a pretty neutral kitchen and should have broad appeal with renters. It’s a bit modern, but also pretty traditional.


Honestly, I just want to make a decision on our kitchen and move forward – but I keep vacillating between the different options. Ikea’s limited selection is bugging me a bit.

The upside is that Ikea’s having a 20% off sale on kitchens – that will save us quite a bit of money, which is helpful.

One other thing I should mention is that you can buy your cabinet boxes from Ikea and your cabinet fronts from a place like (based in LA). We got quotes from them and from another place, but they cost more than we wanted to pay (rift-sawn walnut laminate was about 5 times the cost of Ikea’s Nexus birch not counting the 20% off Ikea’s offering now). If we’re going to pay good money for a kitchen we’d rather wait pay even more and get Eggersmann. If SemiHandMade had been just a little more we would have gone with them…


We went to Ikea this past weekend and settled on the glossy gray cabinets. The black-brown would have been too big of a visual difference from our white staircase. The final design is roughly like this…

Parlor Kitchen RenderingThe extractor hood will be different, the fridge will be side-by-side and the colors aren’t exactly right, but that’s the general gist.

A Taste Of What’s To Come

It’s been a mildly frustrating week this week. Things we hoped would get done before freezing weather set in are still pending – work on the façade and electric/gas/heat – but those are what they are – it’ll get done eventually…

Last night we took a moment to just enjoy the house. Dan has been wanting to burn one of those fire logs to test out the fireplace. It was good we did – ’cause I took a close look at the damper and realized something was wrong and it’s unable to close. But once the fire got going we sat around in the cold with a friend and drank beer & bourbon and enjoyed the fire. It was great…

Fire burning in our fireplaceAt one point we had two fireplaces planned, then one got cut to help with the budget. I’m really glad we have at least one fireplace. It’s wonderful just sitting there watching a fire – very peaceful.

Work on the front doors we got from the salvage yard is also going really well. The guy working on them has them looking like new – it’s really pretty incredible.

Sylvan Terrace – Uptown’s Affordable Townhouses

Yesterday I went through one of the Sylvan Terrace townhouses with a client. They’re some of the smallest, and hence most affordable, townhouses you’ll find – and they’re really charming…

Sylvan TerraceSylvan Terrace is comprised of 20 wood frame houses built in 1882. Today they’re all Landmarked and in good to great condition. The narrow cobblestone street makes you feel like you’re on the movie set for a period movie.

Honestly I don’t know quite how they came to be. They’re said to be carriage houses for the Jumel Mansion (which is at the end of the street), but that doesn’t quite make sense. The Jumel Mansion is Manhattan’s oldest building – built in 1765 – before the War For American Independence. Why would someone build carriage houses 116 years later at a time when the street grid was being established? (Sylvan Terrace is a bit off the grid.)

Whatever the history, they’re completely charming, but they are tiny… Most of the ones on the north side of the street are 1,500 sq. ft (20′ x 25′ x 3 stories), while most of the ones on the south side are 1425 sq. ft. (19.5′ x 25′ x 3 stories) including the walls and stairs. Useable square footage is smaller yet – I’d guess it’s about 1,200 sq. ft.

Essentially you have one large room on each of the two lower floors and two adequate size bedrooms on the top floor (though I saw one that carved a 3rd small, double decked, kids playroom out of the top floor). Ceilings are quite high – especially on the top floor in the front.

While they’re small, they have sales prices that match their small size. Here’s a rundown of what places on Sylvan Terrace have sold for…

#14 – 9/25/2003 – $700K

#16 – 10/24/2003 – $321,600

#19 – 3/30/2004 – $590K

#12 – 12/31/2004 – $610K

#13 – 4/7/2005 – $482K

#15 – 10/5/2005 – $725K

#13 – 10/5/2006 – $1.05M

#15 – 2/23/2007 – unknown price

#14 – 12/17/2007 – $970K

#16 – 12/27/2007 – $990K

#5 – 3/11/2008 – estate – transferred within family

#18 – 4/3/2008 – $437K

The take-away is that the max price for one of these places at the height of the market was $1.05M and there have been no sales since the crash.

I’m not allowed to discuss other agents’ active listings, but I can talk about inactive listings 🙂  #2 – a larger, apparently nicely renovated end unit with more windows and better light – went on the market in November 2009 for $1.1M. It was finally taken off the market a few months ago. It’s final asking price was $800K. So it’s fair to say that the current market value of a nicely renovated Sylvan Terrace townhouse is below $800K.

sylvan terrace north side

The other item which should be mentioned is that, unlike most of the townhouses I discuss here, these houses are mortgageable with conventional mortgages. Most are legal 1 families, a few are legal 2 families.

When you think about the price you’d pay for a 1,200 sq. ft. 2 bedroom condo or coop, Sylvan Terrace could be a good deal – and you get a proper house in a charming little neighborhood with a small back yard (for barbecuing, etc.), and from what I hear the neighbors are nice and fairly close-knit. There’s also a subway stop 1 block away (the C train).

Feel free to contact me if you think Sylvan Terrace might be right for you…

How SROs With No C of NHs Get Rehab Loans

The other day we went through an SRO-restricted townhouse which did not have a certificate of no harassment. In talking to the broker afterwards the broker insisted financing SROs without certificates of no harassment wasn’t a problem – that they did it all the time. She even cited two that were closed this year including one that was uninhabitable. When I pressed the broker on details the answer was vague but insistent (and even a little condescending).

So I called someone I know who’s a bit of an expert on financing townhouses and SROs and we talked through what might be happening. His take on it is exactly what I expected…

An naïve buyer shows up at one of the broker’s open houses, they’re told the house a legal 1 to 4 family, and hence mortgageable. [The paperwork I was given when I went through the SRO said it was a legal single family, but the broker had conveniently “forgotten” to put their logo on the document so misinformation couldn’t be traced back to them.] My mortgage expert and I suspect the following then happens… The buyer is gently guided through the process of buying the townhouse. The broker sends them to particular real estate lawyer, a particular architect, and a particular mortgage broker. The lawyer doesn’t tell the buyer the problems with the house or if he does he downplays them, the architect doesn’t mention potential problems with DOB, and the mortgage broker picks some unsuspecting bank in say the midwest who has no clue what an SRO is and what limitations that puts on the property. A 203(k) mortgage is then obtained, the sale is closed and everyone gets their commissions.

Unlike the loan we got, 203(k)s do not require approved plans at closing. After they’ve bought the place, the buyer goes to DOB to get their plans approved and is told they need a certificate of no harassment since their building is SRO restricted. The worst case scenario at that point is they have to wait 3 years to apply for the certificate, then construction takes another year. Meanwhile they have an uninhabitable building so they’re paying rent on top of say a $6,000 mortgage for a building they can’t use. They can’t afford the payments, so the bank forecloses and they lose the money they put into the building and their credit is ruined.

I’m not saying the worst case scenario is typical, but my mortgage expert friend has seen things like that happen. Banks who write a lot of rehab mortgages in the New York area insist on a certificate of no harassment to close the loan – they don’t want their loans going bad.

Unfortunately that’s typical of the dirty side of Harlem real estate and it doesn’t just hurt the buyers and the banks (and tax payers who’ve insured the loan). It hurts our neighborhoods since buildings don’t get fixed up – they sit there and deteriorate and reduce our quality of life and are a drag on our property values.

If you’re looking for a Harlem townhouse there are a few things you can do to protect yourself.

  1. Work with a buyer’s broker who has experience in the Harlem market – like me 😉
  2. Deal directly with a local bank who has lots of experience doing rehab loans in Harlem. If you can’t get the loan past them, you may be exposing yourself to risk.
  3. Get your own real estate lawyer and make sure they understand issues surrounding NYC SROs really well. Don’t do anything that your lawyer says you shouldn’t do.
  4. Check the SRO status even if the building is 1 to 4 family. Check with both DOB and HPD.
  5. Try to get approved plans before closing. At a minimum file the plans and see what DOB will require for approval.
  6. If at all possible, buy the building in cash. At least then if you have to hold the building while you wait for a C of NH, you won’t be making mortgage payments (and you can get a loan that doesn’t require PMI).

For an all cash buyer it can still make sense to buy an SROs without certificates of no harassment IF they buyer understands what they’re getting into and they’re prepared to wait for the certificate. OR if they’re able to bring the building to an acceptable point under “repairs and maintenance” and they can do those repairs all cash. In fact all cash buyers are the only people who should be buying these buildings.

There’s a lot of gray area between the worse case scenario and the best case scenario. The building could be rentable and the rents could cover the mortgage while the owner waits for the certificate. Or the building could be habitable and the owner could pay a handsome mortgage to live humbly while they wait for the certificate. But sometimes the worst really does happen. Rehabbing a townhouse is hard enough – you don’t need to add to the stress by picking the wrong building.

Every now and then I encounter a buyer who is cavalierly working directly with every listing broker they can find. They don’t seem to understand that parts of Harlem real estate are a still a bit like the wild west and bad things can happen to good people (even people who think they know what they’re doing). Things are much better than they were back in the day, but when you’re looking to buy in Harlem it helps to have a team of people watching your back.

Some Serious Sprinkler Hardware

I went by the house today and there were some serious sprinkler control valves in our cellar…

sprinkler valves in cellarHere’s another shot of it…

sprinkler controls in Harlem townhouseThat’s some seriously big valves for a two family home, but it will help me sleep a little better at night.

They also installed a siamese connection and a “clapper” in the “front yard”…

siamese connection and clapper for sprinkler systemI used to just think that siamese connections were for dry sprinkler systems. Our sprinkler system is a wet system (has water in the lines all the time). So the siamese connection is there in case there’s a problem with water pressure or some other water supply failure.

The clapper goes off if sprinklers go off in our house. That way if we’re not home people on the street will know and (hopefully) call 911.